On season 2, epsiode 2 of #creaky, Brooks and Megan give descriptive details of their camping trip to Uwharrie and why they believe they heard multiple Bigfoot. They also discuss their amazing experience while using the spirit box.

Uwharrie Bigfoot Hotspot
For years, many have told tales of their Bigfoot sightings and experiences in the Uwharrie National Forest. Due to these stories, Megan and Brooks decided to go on a weekend camping trip to Uwharrie campgrounds to investigate for themselves.
Uwharrie general store even sells merchandise with a photo of the Uwharrie Sasquatch they have named Uharrie. That’s how prevalent the tale of the Uwharrie Bigfoot is.
Sightings go from decades ago to even more recent, specifically in October of 2021 when the #creaky hosts were camping in the Uwharrie National Forest.
Uwharrie Bigfoot Experience
The camping trip was 3 days and 2 nights and both nights we heard what we describe as Bigfoot screams or yells. Both happened at around 2 am in the morning and they came from different directions.
The first night we decided to go to bed a little early because we were wore out from hiking and moving all of our gear into the Uwharrie National Forest. Right after laying down, we heard a loud sound in between our tents and went to investigate but found nothing. We decided to stay up a little longer and that’s when the sounds started happening. We also heard what we believe were the infamous Bigfoot knocks on trees.
The second night we decided to stay up and actually try to get a Bigfoot to scream by mimicking their sounds to no avail. But, then at 2 am again, almost the exact time as the night before, the screams started. It was as if multiple creatures were communicating with each other. It wasn’t any type of animal we’ve heard before and we grew up in the country so we’ve heard them all, or so we though. Listen to this episode of #creaky to hear our Bigfoot encounters in more detail.
Spirit Box Experience in Uwharrie
Not only did we experience Bigfoot sounds, but we also used a spirit box to try and communicate with the other side. And boy did it surprise us.
We got a lot of messages from several different people and even heard names. Listen to this episode of #creaky to hear more about our spirit box adventure in Uwharrie.
Do you believe in Bigfoot or spirits? Is there a ton of paranormal energy around Uwharrie in general? Could the Bigfoot in Uwharrie be related to the Boojum?
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