In this episode, Megan and Brooks discuss animal anomalies like flocks of birds dying for no apparent reason and dead fish washing up onshore. That leads to the discussion of cattle mutilations, a crazy pheonmena that is happening across the world and has been for decades.

Cattle Mutilations: Are UFOs to blame?
The first cattle mutilation recorded was in 1967 although that’s not to say they haven’t been going on for longer than that. These aren’t just your run-of-the-mill, animal attack mutilations. These mutilations are happening with ultimate precision and done so well, even a surgeon couldn’t be to blame.
Most of the time the mutilations are where the cow’s eye, jaw, tongue, and genitals are removed with a scalpel-like instrument without disturbing any of the flesh or membranes surrounding these areas. It’s almost like it was done perfectly.
All accounts happen at night, in the pitch blackness with no street lights around because they are miles away from any town or civilization. And may are done with only one road in and out of the farm making it impossible to be unnoticed. Before some of these mutilations, a UFO is seen in the area.
We talk about a specific cattle mutilation account in Australia that has photos of the UFO and the cattle mutilations. On one occasion, one of the cow’s stomachs was removed which was said to be impossible without disturbing the surrounding stomachs by a veterinarian. How are these cows being mutilated with no witnesses and no explanation. Do you have a theory?
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